The second Free Online Global Distant Energy Healing on Nov. 29th was a Super Success!! Join us for the next one on Wednesday Dec 12th. Join the next one by clicking HERE.
24 people were able to participate in the online process. See the picture of Survey Results below.
Participants rated their issue on a scale of 0 = Resolved, 5 = Moderate, 10 = Severe.
There was an overall 46%* reduction of the issues during the 1 hour group healing:
*(math correction 12/19/18)

3 people reported their issue at 0 (resolved) at the end. Only 2 people reported no improvement during the healing, but both reported feeling much improved the next couple days. Some issues were hard for people to quantify in a number system like this but in the comments usually said there was a big difference.
Things people worked on included:
General health, anti aging, weight; Lethargic Depressed Sadness; Anxiety-depression chain smoking; Broken trust; BPH: benign prostate hyperplasia; Relationship conflict; Tendonitis; Itchy, inflamed, irritated skin; Receiving income; Feeling that my life has been a failure. Despair; Left foot pain; Sorrow and grief, difficulty finding new relationship; Gynecomastia; Back pain; Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease; Connection to higher self; Chronic dysregulation mostly along my left side; Low back and any emotional residue in there; Anxiety including impacting sleep cycle; Abdomen bloated, like it flat again; Resistances / non-allowances / non-permissions / distractions / confusion / fear; Extreme tension in neck/right arm leading to neck pain, arm pain, headaches; Energetic imprint in reproductive organs, sore throat, sadness; Extreme pain and stiffness, exhaustion.
Not everything can be healed in this way. But a lot can. Or at least improved during each event. (Your body and mind do the healing, while I provide the energy.)
Some of the comments from participants were (edited to preserve privacy):
“Feel great! thank you.”
“It felt like a lot of things came to surface.”
“Peaceful refreshed and joyous and calm.”
“Bright, Clear, Hopeful. I feel cleaned out. … A bit sleepy and light headed. Thank you for facilitating this healing. I am grateful to you, and to all the healing energies in the universe.”
“Thank you for this process. It has provided me with a new way to look at my issue.”
“Felt Slightly better.”
“I enjoyed the process. It was relaxing and brought up some useful awarenesses.”
“Sooo goood!!! I feel a sense of love for myself, my life and this body that I have rarely or never before experienced. I feel perfectly at ease in this moment, and knowing that all is deeply well. I get a sense of deep joy in the current life moment, accepting it fully with gratitude and compassion.”
“Was great, felt a lot of peace and calmness. Was able to tap into inner being and get healing emotionally and mentally as well.”
“Very good and deep healing took place. Insights and realizations that I was living from my past identities and feelings. I feel that this issue must still be addressed but I also am not experiencing the crippling emotional repressiveness from earlier. Thank you!”
“I felt very calm and peaceful- especially the last part with seeing how we would be healed. i know i need to lie down and let it all process. …i want to see what sleep will yield. thank you steven- have a great holiday season : ) ”
“I had chronic back pain level 6 and now its a 2 or 3. Feel better than before. I hope the pain goes away forever.”
“It was emotional to feel the feelings of helplessness and loss in the face of illness. It was liberating to let it all go. It was wonderful to see and feel the healing.”
“I feel a lot of energy coming through. I feel I have connected to my higher self … It’s still integrating. … Thank you . Very powerful.”
“Feeling much better in the moment. Thank you Steven :)”
“… This is GREAT process, love it! Very powerful. So much insight. …thank you.”
“I feel lighter, feeling smooth & balanced. It was a very positive experience.
My natural speaking voice was more freed up from working with the 2nd process, releasing past identities. An unexpected gift. Thanks very much. for this Group Healing.”
“I’m feeling calmer and my head quieter. … I could feel lots of energy moving, especially in my head and throat.”
“Wow. Steven this is utterly profound. Massive amounts of healing, just as you said. I felt a very great deal happening in body. The pain is very very much reduced. It could perhaps reduce even more; It’s been a trapped area for so long it can take time to return to normal. I look forward to working with you again on our next session!”