Understanding Spatial Dimensions

Much misunderstanding exists today as to the nature of spatial dimensions. The following is intended to resolve some of these issues.

Although our consciousness is primarily limited to 3 spatial dimensions, we actually exist in a universe composed of many more spatial dimensions, possibly an infinite number of dimensions.

Without realizing it, we actually use 4 Dimensional awareness all the time. We have to in order to perceive 3 Dimensional objects. This will be explained as follows.

The 1st Dimension is Length, creating a line.

The 2nd Dimension is Width, which combined with the 1st Dimension creates a plane or sheet.

The 3rd Dimension is Height, which combined with the 1st and 2nd Dimensions creates a cube.

The 4th Dimension is an added depth in hyperspace (outside of 3 Dimensional Space). When the 4th Dimension is combined with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dimensions a hypercube is created.

When a 1 Dimensional object (a line) is viewed with 1 Dimensional awareness (1 direction only) a point is perceived. When viewed with 2 Dimensional awareness a line is perceived. (For example: Look at the end of a pencil, i.e. in 1 direction, and you will see a point. Look at the entire pencil, i.e. in 2 directions, and you will see a line.)

When a 2 Dimensional object, such as a square, is viewed with 2 Dimensional awareness a line is perceived. When viewed with 3 Dimensional awareness a square is perceived. (For example: Look at the edge of a piece of paper, i.e. in 2 directions, and you will see a line. Look at the entire piece of paper, i.e. in 3 directions, and you will see a square.)

When a 3 Dimensional object, such as a cube, is viewed with 3 Dimensional awareness a flat object is perceived. When viewed with 4 Dimensional awareness a cube is perceived. (For example: Look at the image of a cube, i.e. in 3 directions, and you see a flat 2 dimensional object. Look at a cube, wrapping your awareness around it, and you see a 3 dimensional cube.)


To perceive a 4 Dimensional object, such as a hypercube, we must use 5 Dimensional Awareness.

The Physical-Etheric Universe is structured in a total of 3 Spatial Dimensions.

The Astral(Emotional) Universe is structured in total of 4 Spatial Dimensions.

The Manasic Universe (including Causal/Soul and Mental/Intellectual) is structured in a total of 5 Spatial Dimensions.

The Buddhic/Christic Universe in a total of 6 Spatial Dimensions.

The Atmic Universe in a total of 7 Spatial Dimensions.

The Monadic Universe in a total of 8 Spatial Dimensions.

The Logoic Universe in a total 9 Spatial Dimensions.

Time is not a spatial dimension but rather is a measure of events in space. (See Understanding Time in Additional Info.)

To call the Astral Universe the 4th Dimension is a mistake because the Astral Universe also contains Dimensions 1, 2, and 3. Also, the Manasic and higher Universes all contain the 4th Dimension. In the same way it is a mistake to call the Manasic Universe the 5th Dimension.

Full and complete awareness in a higher Universe includes awareness of additional spatial dimensions.

(More on the 7 Universes.)

Understanding Time

Much misunderstanding exists today as to the nature of time in higher levels. The following is intended to resolve some of these issues.

Time is not a dimension in space.

Time does exist in higher levels, it is just different.

Time is both objective and subjective. Objectively it is a linear progression of universal change. Subjectively it is the processing rate and a holistically inclusive consciousness of change.

The higher your consciousness, the faster time goes by. The lower your consciousness the slower time goes by. When you are happy, time flies. When you are depressed, time stretches on for a seeming forever. Why? Because higher states of consciousness use subtler (lighter and quicker) energy and lower states of consciousness use denser (heavier and slower) energy to process your experiences. Thus, when you are in a higher state you process experiences faster and when you are in a lower state you process experiences slower. Using physical level change (time) as a baseline reference, which is very dense and slow compared to higher levels, higher states process physical change much quicker than lower states. Thus higher states “eat” physical time at a faster rate, giving the experience of physical time flying by. Lower states “eat” physical time at a slower rate, giving the experience of physical time passing slowly. Also, acceptance of experience speeds processing rate and resistance to experience slows processing rate, acceptance speeds up the experience of time and resistance slows the experience of time.

Additionally, the higher your consciousness, the more expansive and inclusive it is of the past and the future. The higher the state, the greater the ability to include more of the past from which learning is continually occurring and more of the potential future that is being created in a continually more optimal way. The past is set and does not change. What is changing is how we view the past, how we frame it. There is nothing wrong with the past that needs changing. No event is inherently bad, everything is subject to interpretation as bad or good or neutral. What needs changing is how we view the past, how we interpret it. When the past is resisted, it is interpreted as a detriment and acts upon the present as a detriment. When the past is increasingly accepted, valued, and learnt from then it is interpreted as a resource that empowers the present and the future. As we grow in consciousness, we are able to harvest increasing quantities of valuable lessons from the past. Events are temporary but the valuable consciousness gained from the events lasts forever. The potential future is continually being improved as we harvest lessons from the past – we continually see better ways of doing things, as time passes.

Time generally speeds up for an older person (life goes by faster) because they are generally processing at a higher rate.

Thus the higher your consciousness, the faster time goes by. Time is so sped up for the Causal Body (the Soul) that a Personality lifetime for it is like a day. A good life is like a good day. A bad life is like a bad day – nothing more, very temporary. For the Monad, time is much faster – a Personality lifetime is like a minute. Thus, hundreds or thousands of human lifetimes (incarnations) are experienced very quickly for the Monad. However, while the Monad is focused upon the current moment along with the Personality and the Soul, the Monad is also so expanded in its consciousness that it is simultaneously processing billions of years into the past and billions of years into the future, in the now – it is experiencing what could be called the “Eternal Now”.

The Mechanism of Pleasure

Although it may appear that we get pleasure from external objects or events, upon examination, pleasure is derived entirely from within. If you examine a hot fudge sundae ice-cream under a microscope, you will not find any pleasure inside of it. The same goes for any object and any event that gives us pleasure. What then is pleasure and where does it come from?

Pleasure or bliss is our natural innate state of being in the core of our individuality. Varying degrees of this innate bliss flow into our consciousness depending upon our state of mind. During a windy day the sun cannot clearly reflect upon the water. Similarly when our mind is agitated by aversion or strong desire, our innate bliss is thrown out of our consciousness. When our aversion or desire is satisfied, we are at peace and our innate bliss is allowed in. When we engage with an object or event that we have a strong desire for, our consciousness becomes concentrated upon it, which further stills our mind and allows more bliss in. The more concentrated our mind, the more bliss is allowed in and the more bliss we feel. Sex strongly concentrates the mind by the action of sexual energy and thereby allows a large amount of bliss in for most people. Even the anticipation of the satisfaction of desire has a concentrating effect upon the mind and thereby allows some bliss in. Any activity or perception that results in peace or concentrates mind allows our innate natural bliss in while such activities and perceptions are not the source of the bliss.

The source of your bliss is YOUR INNER SPIRITUAL BEING. You are not your physical body, you are not your emotions, you are not your mind, you are not your personality. All of these are temporary and will be discarded upon death. Your Causal/Soul Body is that nearly immortal part of you that is your source of bliss. It is always in bliss. When you feel pleasure, happiness, joy or ecstasy you are feeling this part of yourself.

And, your Causal/Soul Body is just the beginning of bliss. As your consciousness ascends into higher states the bliss becomes increasingly fulfilling and satisfying. This is our Source’s homing signal, our Source’s way of leading you back home. A true test of progress in the growth of consciousness is the degree of natural happiness or bliss that a person resides in.

Therefore, the external universe of phenomenon is composed of objects and events that are painful or not painful, i.e., they inhibit our natural innate bliss or they allow it in. We have more choice than we often realize as to what we allow to be painful for us. For those who have reached enlightened liberation, all is equal, nothing is painful, and bliss is consistently naturally present.

Correct meditation is the way to consistent bliss. Striving for an integration of ultimate satisfaction that survives the date of death, is essential. At the same time, denying ourselves of the relative satisfactions of this world is unnecessary. The balanced joyful path includes the appreciation of the relative joys of the world, while not getting lost in their overindulgence, and, daily working on integrating the source of ultimate satisfaction. The joyful path is composed of enjoying life, while understanding the real source of our joy, and becoming ever more full of the source of joy.