The 13th Online Global Distant Energy Healing on March 21st, 2020 was a Super Success!! Join us for the next one soon! Join the next one by clicking HERE.
24 people were able to participate in and complete the approximately one hour online process. See the picture of Survey Results below.
100% completing participants reported immediate benefit.
Participants rated their issue on a scale of 0 = Resolved, 5 = Moderate, 10 = Severe.
4 people reported their issue at 0 (Resolved) at the end.
Using the data from the entire completing group, there was an average 57% reduction of the issues during the 1 hour group healing:

Here are more details on results for the 24 people that completed the online process. 100% of completing participants reported benefit. Some reported profound transformation. Some issues were hard for people to quantify in a number system like this but in the comments usually said there was a big difference. Again there was an average 57% reduction of issues for participants who completed the online process. And again, 4 people reported their issue at 0 (Resolved) at the end.
Join the next one by clicking HERE.
Things people worked on included (edited to preserve privacy and published with permission):
- Negative/limiting belief mindset
- Self love, self worth
- Root chakra/past life karmic resistance to spiritual growth and evolution
- Soul retrieval
- Crookedness in back/hips
- Health
- Feelings of guilt and shame.
- Throat scarring/tightness with post nasal drip
- Depression caused by lack of self worth/belief
- Living with effects of alcoholism throughout my life
- Financial fears
- Not feeling worthy-self sabotage
- Blurred vision in left eye
- Grief
- I think I could have the current thing going around; feeling it in my breathing
- Grief & Depression. Wrist pain and mental health (forgiveness and otherwise)
- Neck stiffness and sometimes pain on rotation, flexion and extention. Thank You!
- Stop judgement, criticism, guilt, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, punishment of self (which I then project on others). Pain in upper & mid-back, neck, shoulders, hips, knees.
- Monkey mind, lots of chatter
- Full Complete Connection to Divinity. Everywhere, always, inside and outside
Not everything can be healed in a group context. But a lot can. Or at least improved during each event. (Your body and mind do the healing, while I provide the energy.)
If you feel you need more personalized attention, Book a Personal Session.
Join the next group healing by clicking HERE.
Some of the comments from participants at the end were (edited to preserve privacy and published with permission):
“I feel lighter, like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders.”
“This process is so very powerful and precious. I am always surprised how simple it is, yet how deeply I am affected by the beautiful forgiveness prayers. Tears well up and my heart experiences such a broad spectrum of feelings every time. This time, however, I feel as though some ancient concerns have finally been resolved and may never present themselves again…. love, peace and harmony to everyone everywhere forever. Thank you beyond words Steve, for this healing gift, and for your love and caring. Sending you so much Divine love, light, peace and eternal grace. ”
“With the group healing i feel like i identified several things i can do to improve my self love and self worth”
“Relief, a very light feeling, peace, love. This is magic pur. Thank you so much. Will now got to sleep to integrate the healing. ”
“Feel very relaxed”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ”
“I am feeling such peace and light and my physical symptom has mostly disappeared. I appreciate your facilitation of this healing more than words can say. Blessings to you and thank you for sharing your gift with me and so many others. Namaste”
“Feeling a sense of ease fullness. Very tired”
“better.. lighter”
“Was so ready for moving this energy out of my field. I could feel the heat rising. Thank you.”
“The vision has not improved. I did find the process and personal inquiries helpful though.”
“The identity work was profound…letting go of and also welcoming into my compassionate heart the child, teenage, woman identities; then ancestral beliefs and collective grief from the separative identity of humanity. Body filled with light. Heart soft. Surrendered to the perfection of change. No longer a need to hold on “for dear life.” Thank you!!”
“I got lots of ahas and deeper understanding of what’s going on. It’s really hard to give a number with this lung capacity thing. Cuz even feeling it a tiny bit makes me panic a bit. I feel like today’s session will help me continue to heal but hard to say how I feel now because I can still feel the tightness etc. But it was super helpful, healing and relaxing. I’m gonna take a nap and integrate. Thank you so much for this!!”
“Very well. Thank you very much. Feeling quite, not talkative.”
“My neck has loosened up significantly since the beginning of this one hour healing session, thank you! I have also become aware of several unresolved mental and emotional issues which seem to be impacting how my neck and my body feels. I will continue to do the forgiveness prayers… Thanks for your powerful healing energies, and for sharing them with me and with those I love.”
“I feel lighter, more at ease & happier! I feel like being free to be myself without the frequent self-criticism, blame, judgement & punishment is possible! I feel enthusiastic. I love ending sessions with you by focusing on/imagining how I & my life feel when I am happy & healthy. It is very uplifting & encouraging! The physical pain came down from 7 to 3 in some areas & down to 4-5 in others. Thank you so much, Steven. I do appreciate you making this available for free as I do have financial concerns to work through at this time. I invite & welcome prosperity & abundance, and I will gladly pay you when able to. ”
“With the help- of your processes I experience releasing layers of constriction which leaves me open and free to naturally connect to the ever-present, eternal field of infinite grace, vibrancy, health, wholeness, completeness and joy. I also feel that as soon as I log in, I am stepping into an enlivened, pre-existing field of lively grace that your consciousness has enlivened and established… You are a beautiful, wonderful gift to us all and I bow down in appreciation and gratitude. You give us hope and encouragement to reach for our God-given potential. If enough of us take advantage of your gifts, humanity has a chance at becoming Divine.”