The first Free Online Global Distant Energy Healing on Nov. 15th was a Super Success!! Join us for the next one on Nov. 29th. Join the next one by clicking HERE.
18 people were able to participate in the online process. See Before and After pics of Survey Results below.
Participants rated their issue on a scale of 0 = Resolved, 5 = Moderate, 10 = Severe.
The majority rated their issue 7-10 Before:

… and then the majority rated their issue 0-4 After the Online Group Healing:

That is a 62% overall reduction of the issues during the 1 hour group healing:

4 people reported their issue at 0 (resolved) at the end.
Things people worked on included:
migraines, high blood pressure, cough, anger, fear, neck and low back pain, depression and despair, stress, anxiety, hemorrhoid, receiving high income, dysregulation due to childhood trauma, overweight, breast wound, feeling stuck, abandonment, betrayal, hard mass in abdomen, heartbreak
Not everything can be healed in this way. But a lot can. Or at least improved during each event. (Your body and mind do the healing, while I provide the energy.)
Some of the comments from participants were (edited to preserve privacy):
“I feel lighter…as if I truly let go of old issues. Thank you for your help.”
“Feel much better, feel like I digged deep into some nasty stuff am glad we did it so!! Thank you Steve.”
“Feeling great! Thank you. Started with maajjoorr yawning, and continued all throughout, especially when I honed in on an issue that was core, and it immediately released. … Time slowed down majorly. I kept checking to make sure I would move on at the right time, and felt like I released several major layers, to check the time and the minute was still the same! Over and over throughout the whole hour this was happening.”
“I can feel the issue is still there but it. is less than it was and actually it was never mine to begin with. It doesn’t belong with me at all. It can go completely.”
“I feel better … Toward the end I felt healing in my body. Felt my 1st chakra being worked on primarily.”
“That was amazing. I reconnected with my body telling it we are already healed as i have for so long but this felt like Truth. And I will keep repeating. and literally taking the old me out of the picture…to make it stick.”
“This has been major. Thank you so much.”
“Thank you so much Steven for offering this to us. I feel much better and I could feel your healing light and feel blessed to be able to work with you.”
Welcoming everyone to join us in future events. And feel free to share so others may benefit. Health and Happiness for all!
Next Free Online Global Distant Energy Healing is Thursday November 29th 6pm PST (Los Angeles, CA time). See the date and time in your time zone by clicking HERE.
Reserve your place now. Sign up here
Receive healing for most conditions for Low-Cost or Free!
This Online Group Healing is a Long-Distance/Remote Healing which means that you can receive it anywhere in the world!
For this group healing, you may choose one physical or emotional/mental issue to work on.
After you enroll, you will receive an email with more detailed instructions on how to participate. The event is for one hour. During the event, you will be guided online how to participate and maximize the potential for complete or profound healing.