The 8th Online Global Distant Energy Healing on March 6th 2019 was a Super Success!! Join us for the next one soon! Join the next one by clicking HERE.
21 people were able to participate in and complete the approximately one hour online process. See the picture of Survey Results below.
95% of these 21 completing participants reported benefit.
Participants rated their issue on a scale of 0 = Resolved, 5 = Moderate, 10 = Severe.
1 person reported their issue at 0 (Resolved) at the end.
There was an overall 47% reduction of the issues during the 1 hour group healing:

Here are more details on results for the 21 people that completed the online process. 95% of participants reported benefit. Some reported profound transformation. Some issues were hard for people to quantify in a number system like this but in the comments usually said there was a big difference. Again there was an overall 47% reduction of issues for participants who completed the online process. And again, 1 person reported their issue at 0 (Resolved) at the end.
Join the next one by clicking HERE.
Things people worked on included (edited to preserve privacy):
- Lower back and right hip pain
- Problems with digestion
- Skin
- Discomfort/blockage/growth in the intestinal, stomach area somehow affecting or related to post nasal drip.
- Brain injury
- I would like the distance vision in my left eye to improve.
- Allergies
- Problems with digestion
- For both of us to feel and view our relationship as positive
- Neck shoulder pain
- Lack of self love/self worth
- Nicotine addiction release
- Post Hep C, liver pain, kidney pain, joint pain, brain fog
- Fibromyalgia symptoms and related spinal trauma
- Anger, betrayal, confusion, hopeless, helpless, sad, lost, lonely,
- Sadness/despair/grie/anxiety about my life, feeling stuck, feeling like I am unable to manifest my life—Recurring headaches, cervical, occipital and Atlas issues.
Not everything can be healed in this way. But a lot can. Or at least improved during each event. (Your body and mind do the healing, while I provide the energy.)
If you feel you need more personalized attention, Book a Personal Session.
Join the next group healing by clicking HERE.
Some of the comments from participants at the end were (edited to preserve privacy):
“Thank you. Divine Grace came in. ”
“I feel renewed and energized. The forgiveness prayer experience was touching and beautiful.”
“I passed some gas a little ways into the series of forgiveness exercises & fell less bloated, and less worried about what might be growing in my gut. I got in touch with all the negativity, hurt and resentment I have been holding over the course of my lifetime since my father molested me. I CAN imagine not having to die and being a happier, healthier me.”
“My eyes are clearer and throughout the hour my nasal passages cleared a lot. ”
“Feeling grounded and centered and open to engaging life in whatever form it takes.”
“I got very emotional. I felt our love come through for each other when visualizing what it would look like, feel like and be like for us to be in a harmonious relationship and I could feel what it is that we both want with each other. It was quite beautiful. ”
“Lots of release through sounds ”
“I’m not feeling much relief from my symptoms. I did feel the energy, especially in the beginning, after that I was focusing on the process. Certainly a lot of people, memories and experiences came up for me.”
“Similar to past group healing, I go through a deep process of uncovering and letting go of old memories and family patterns, experiences. It is an emotional journey and very interesting to see what I have been holding on to. ”
“Feeling looser. Taking in the depths of the repeated process. I’ve wanted to work with you for a number of years. I am grateful!”
“Beautiful energy! Pain symptoms greatly reduced. not totally gone yet but way better. Thank you. ”