The sixth Online Global Distant Energy Healing on Feb. 6th 2019 was a Super Success!! Join us for the next one soon! Join the next one by clicking HERE.
29 people were able to participate in and complete the approximately one hour online process. See the picture of Survey Results below.
100% (all) of participants reported benefit.
Participants rated their issue on a scale of 0 = Resolved, 5 = Moderate, 10 = Severe.
There was an overall 51% reduction of the issues during the 1 hour group healing:

Here are more details on results for the 29 people that completed the online process. 100% of participants reported benefit. Some reported profound transformation. Some issues were hard for people to quantify in a number system like this but in the comments usually said there was a big difference. Again there was an overall 51% reduction of issues for all participants who completed the online process.
Things people worked on included (edited to preserve privacy):
- Back pain exhaustion
- Liberation from constrictions
- anxiety, fear, overwhelmed, insecure
- stress, want to sleep better, fell healthier and happier
- depression / self confidence
- Intestinal/colon block leading to my left leg being a different size
- Level 10 pain in neck cluster headaches bruning hands and feet high blood pressure insomia
- severe depression
- Negative self image/emotional hurt
- spinal /neck /vision brain/injury
- Needing help with sovereignty, releasing all …
- bringing my soul purpose clearly and actively into the world
- Pain and discomfort in my right forehead and head area, resulting from shingles that began about a year ago.
- General feeling of unwell/incapable
- Physical Healing…Heart, Circulation, Thyroid, Kidneys, Fibro(muscles), teeth
- Turning red when talking to people and feeling un comfortable
- I want to heal and restore harmony and happiness to my relationship with …. I would love for him to reach out and communicate.
- I had the experience a few days ago that someone hit on my bed’s end twice, while I was asleep. I felt the impact as well heard the sound. But nobody was present. Although there was only this perception and no fear I could perceive a being’s presence which would interfere with me in my space. I had extreme goose bumps all over and even despite me doing the comprehensive clearing, it did not go away. I’d rather have it released from my space.
- Intense “Fear of Rejction” which infects my Mind to think Obsessively about Things like Relationships wih others.
- Energy building
- My PSA jumped from 2.4 to 5.4 – I would like healing on my prostate gland.
- work stress, relationship
- Feeling fatigued, stuck, depressed, inertia
- Anxiety, Depression, schysofrenia, paranoias
- Diabetes
- irritable bowl syndrome
Not everything can be healed in this way. But a lot can. Or at least improved during each event. (Your body and mind do the healing, while I provide the energy.)
Some of the comments from participants at the end were (edited to preserve privacy):
“Feeling very relaxed. Tingly. Calm. Present. ”
“Wish I had time to write more. I felt a deep sense of peace. Would love to spend more time on the last section”
“I feel much better! Thank you so much for doing these! I needed t! Will def donate next time.”
“feeling more confident and aware of my current emotions and past identities that are affecting me. ”
“I am getting better at this. Almost there this time.”
“sleepy, quiet and calm. Thank you for this opportunity”
“Feeling high vibrations and physically clear of discomfort. Slight euphoria, optimistic and open-hearted. Great! Thank you, Steven!”
“energy is shifting around.. less sensation /heaviness”
“I felt the waves of healing energy much more powerfully at the beginning of the session… then it dwindled 😉 Thank You for offering this. I will continue to work on this issue. ”
“Wonderful free to let me be in every second in every situation with every being. Whatever me is at that time. Experiencing that the soul coming out is from me, not dependent on the situation. Wanna keep this new feeling, new perspective.”
“Feeling more in touch”
“Feeling grateful and hopeful. Many feelings came up. Insights that I did realized brought to consciousness. Thank you Thank you”
“Lighter, interesting was the last part as I realized I haven’t imagined anything like that since decades anymore, simply because I could not imagine anymore. It was difficult indeed sdtill right now but just doing it and with this task was an intersting task and I had this before mentioned realization. In earlier days this userd to be totally normal for me. Intersting how things had changed and had become the new normal for me without me even noticing it anymore. ”
“I feel more open and lighter, warmer and freeer. Thank you!”
“I was measuring the severity of my prostate, utilizing muscle testing to check the vibrational frequency, as it is dificult to feel into my prostate. … Anyhow it went down from an 8 to a 4 today.”
“i received a few insights. One is: Let go of my trauma, it does not define me. I am free of it. Let it be gone. I am now full of possibilities to create the magical me. Abundant, in my own truth, materializing my fullest potential, with wisdom,”
“joy, heart, and courage to be the best of me.”
“I moved through many layers of deep patterning and energetic knots from before I was born and from my ancestral heritage. It was a profound experience to identify the patterns and “let go”. As a result of this healing, forgiving and letting go, I feel a sense of renewal and hope. My physical heart area feels expanded, warm, open. In general I feel lighter, and more relaxed. It was quite a journey tonight. With all my heart, thank you Steven!”
“Immediately at the first question, I remembered having to go to the doctor’s as a young child due to a pain in my gut when my parents were fighting. That and the forgiveness exercise and the imagining exercise shed light on my feelings about arriving in this world and the difficulty of dealing with the ties that bind me to other people and having to deal with all of my feelings & unhealed hurts & theirs. I won’t know if my digestive conditions are healed until I visit the restroom….but thank you for this healing journey. ”
“Visioned that the negativity was going away forever. I am thankful and appreciative, also had “oh yeah moments “. I felt the clearing of old, thank you very much!!!”
“i feel a very deep relaxation, like a meditative state, i feel calm and serene throughout my whole body. i feel a calm fluid energy going up and down my body. My belly area feels softer and my hips have tilted back a bit through wich my belly feels more aligned with the rest of my body. The meditative state happened sometimes during the exercises, at the end i imagined being happy and healthy at first with having lots of energy to do things and then this calm came over me, what my body feels like when it is healed sinked in. i intent to taking this awareness with me to get in touch with daily…so powerful…it had been so long now i remember.”
“Peaceful, amazed how powerful u are. I actually felt relief & my psyche changed just before you commenced. I feel totally at one with the powerful energies on offer & a weight lifted.. thankx to you Steven. It has reinvigorated me to simply Just Be and trust in the universe.”