The 12th Online Global Distant Energy Healing on Feb. 22th 2020 was a Super Success!! Join us for the next one soon! Join the next one by clicking HERE.
17 people were able to participate in and complete the approximately one hour online process. See the picture of Survey Results below.
16 of these 17 completing participants reported immediate benefit.
Participants rated their issue on a scale of 0 = Resolved, 5 = Moderate, 10 = Severe.
1 person reported their issue at 0 (Resolved) at the end.
There was an overall 56% reduction of the issues during the 1 hour group healing:

Here are more details on results for the 17 people that completed the online process. 94% of participants reported benefit. Some reported profound transformation. Some issues were hard for people to quantify in a number system like this but in the comments usually said there was a big difference. Again there was an overall 56% reduction of issues for participants who completed the online process. And again, 1 person reported their issue at 0 (Resolved) at the end.
Join the next one by clicking HERE.
Things people worked on included (edited to preserve privacy and published with permission):
- Throat Chakra & Heart Chakra (the most) (self doubt, fear, crippling fear and lack of trust in own abilities) …
- Anemia
- Remove wealth inhibitors and encourage max flow of money throughout my life
- Clearing my conscious and unconscious limiting Beliefs
- Hearing
- Childhood ptsd symptoms of dysregulation in left side and chest area
- Fear and shame
- Full Divine connection
- Gut/Digestive/Bloating/Liver/Distended Abdomen/Pain in Abdomen and Sudden Weight Gain (from Virus or Inflammation, Yeast, or whatever is going on in the gut).
- Jaw clenching
- Guilt/shame/avoidance/resistance around healthy daily routine- especially bedtime
- Dementia
- Severe shortness of breath, sometimes upon awakening in morning, just walking out to mail box, or simply getting ready to go to work. My heart beat is pounding, my lungs feels constricted.
- Right Side Neck Pain, Soreness & Stiffness, and Underlying Emotional/Mental/Spiritual Causes – Thank You!!
- Guilt
Not everything can be healed in a group context. But a lot can. Or at least improved during each event. (Your body and mind do the healing, while I provide the energy.)
If you feel you need more personalized attention, Book a Personal Session.
Join the next group healing by clicking HERE.
Some of the comments from participants at the end were (edited to preserve privacy and published with permission):
“This is so powerful. I attended the second time and once again I sweat a lot, I thought that I would fade out since it was such an intense energy shift in my body. Now I am exhausted and go to sleep to integrate this powerful Session. Thank you so much”
“I feel better. Thank you Steven. I often want to go take a nap after the group sessions probably to integrate the healing more completely. Thank you again for offering this opportunity to so many. : ) ”
“Very interesting. Thank you so much. I feel a softening around my heart regarding my family and myself where it was hurt and hard as stone.”
“I feel confident in the world, more faith! In our souls purpose!”
“As soon as I logged in I was vibrantly alive and connected to a fulfilling field of Divine vibrancy, perfection, wholeness, completeness and fullness. Thank you. Very potent and awesome.”
“A little bit of relief. Will feel better tomorrow, and even better the next day.”
“It was intense at times, tears came to my eyes and my body was tingling and tense, especially my left leg. It felt like pressure building up inside my body and emotions swirling around. Now I’m kind of relieved it’s over, my jaw feels much looser. Thanks so much.”
“I feel lighter, more Hopeful, joyful, optimistic & relaxed. I have a big smile on my face! I’m assessing myself at a one now instead of zero because the level of resolution will be evident in my daily actions, starting with my bedtime tonight. I very much appreciate this healing session! Thank you, Steven!”
“Since this was done for someone else, I will need to check with them, to give the answer. Also, during the session I could not give the number, to see if there’s any progress, since she’s not in the room with me at the time. So, I left it all the same. Some answers did come to me, when I was asking questions. I’m hopeful. Thank you, Steven, for this work. Blessings.”
“I am now in my 80’s. Ever since I was a very young child I was aware that I was to very careful of everyone’s feelings. Since I was born with this knowing, I was responsible for all my words, behavior and intentions. I was born filled with gratitude for the Supreme Divine Oneness of Everyone and Everything. I was constantly shown that how I treated others would return to me immediately. Well, I certainly wasn’t perfect in everything I thought or did, but karma always showed me the way back to center. The severe shortness of breath is just another blessing to bring me back to balance, and this process has been so very powerful in this one hour that I am remembering even more acutely that there is only One Supreme Being……Pure Consciousness in motion. Thank you Steve for the part you are playing in helping us all clear misconceptions to enable such powerful healing. Blessings of the Highest, Holiest, Heavenly Happiness for Everyone Everywhere.”
“In the process i evolved my resentments and anger at …. I took that prana and flushed it into the ether and breathed it in again … I breathed out … into song … blessed me with the love …. I forgave my … self because I am what I yam wut eye ham! Thank you Steven.”
“Thank You Steven! I noticed a lessening of pain and stiffness on the right side of my neck about 26 minutes Before the start of the group healing discomfort had gone from an 8 to about 5, prior to start of session). I thank you also for the help you’ve given to …, in healing of her legs, toes, circulation and pain. Thank you Universal Forces of Light!!”