The third Free Online Global Distant Energy Healing on Dec. 12th was a Super Success!! Join us for the next one soon! Join the next one by clicking HERE.
27 people were able to participate in the online process. See the picture of Survey Results below.
Participants rated their issue on a scale of 0 = Resolved, 5 = Moderate, 10 = Severe.
There was an overall 52% reduction of the issues during the 1 hour group healing:

3 people reported their issue at 0 (resolved) at the end. 26 people reported significant improvement during the online healing. Only 1 person reported no improvement during the healing, but then reported major transformation after. Some issues were hard for people to quantify in a number system like this but in the comments usually said there was a big difference.
Things people worked on included:
anxiety fear depression; Move into fullness of power; RA; I want my professional life to be a success, that my fears calm down, prosperity, health, love and power in the word; Self confidence and trust; A Cold, and some sadness; Cancer; frequent waking at night to urinate; Depression; healing from cancer; lack of inspiration and clarity on purpose of life; stress and anxious; anxiety; Tightness in my 3rd chakra; a little bit of a cold and mainly the chronic dysregulation of my left side due to childhood trauma; How to I manifest a happy, loving relationship (marriage) and a beautiful home, living in prosperity & abundance for the rest of my life; Loss of Love; resentment, sadness due to; loss, lack of self worth, scarcity; Difficulty communicating with my mother; Release of heavy energies, not mine, from abuse; Alcohol addiction and social isolation; Justice restored in my life and faith and hope that my dreams will come true; Rage; Negativity; Mental stress of dealing with low finances and debt, affecting my worklife and homelife, and my physical well being, increased mental stres, weight gain, sluggishness, and lower level of mental capacity to do a good job at my … job
Not everything can be healed in this way. But a lot can. Or at least improved during each event. (Your body and mind do the healing, while I provide the energy.)
Some of the comments from participants were (edited to preserve privacy):
“It was really helpful i liked the forgiveness prayers and … it but helped a lot”
“Power has been achieved, and peace. ”
“It is a great sense of what you feel, what you want and yearn for, I have loved in this sense, because it has reminded me of my goal and has been useful to me. I felt calm. ”
“I do feel better. I loved the last exercise, that really helped, they all helped, it is a good set up! ”
“Once again great insights….”
“Thank you for facilitating this marvelous healing!”
“my health issue is only at night time, so I cant assess the results until I have a few nights of sleep after this session. Thank you! ”
“Beautiful experience as always. My result will be shown as time goes so I couldn’t specify the severity.”
“I AM healthy and happy, now! Feeling so good. Thank you!”
“I am feeling more expanded, lighter and more peaceful.”
“I felt a lot of heaviness lift and anxiety release. There was a sense of calm I connected to. It feels like I am open to positive potential and possibility. Thank you. ”
“Calm and relaxed.”
“I got very sleepy.Thanks for doing this”
“Feeling relaxed yet activated. This was relatively intense, lots of yawns for the first 20 minutes, then started sweating in the middle part. I actually feel like I need to go rest now. Thank you, Steven. ”
“Thank you again for offering this to all of us Steven. I greatly appreciate you and all you do for so many of us. ”
“I feel really amazing tuning in with all that would make me healthy and happy. I feel I have a great starting point in my knowing as to what I can create by entertaining this question, and it can only get better.”
“want to this more”
“Amazing session. In the last hour I revisited many difficult experiences of my past which strongly influence who I am today. Both forgiveness practice and identity releasing were very helpful in bringing those up and then freeing myself from the stuck memories that are weighing down my ability to be in and enjoy the present. This purification was surprisingly comprehensive and covered many areas that I would never imagine were related to the issue I was working on.”
“I can live it. ”
“I had a lot of unexpected grief and resentments come up. Hard to say how the specific issues I started the session with have been affected really right now but I think I have a little better insight into some things that are actually bothering me that I don’t usually attribute to being part of this. I do feel somewhat calmer.”
“I’m feeling a lot better. I could feel a huge shift and lightening of my energy during the second half of the forgiveness prayer during the second time I did it. I was able to connect and feel the joy and what it would feel like to have the situation resolved. At one point I even saw a light above my head during a semi-meditative state. Only time will tell if it’s resolved, but I’m feeling more hopeful. ”
“I dont know when I last felt this relaxed.”