Energy Healing & Consulting Sessions by Phone/Skype

What is the Energy Reality Method of Energy Healing of Body, Emotions, and Mind, etc? And how does it work?
The Energy Reality Method takes the philosophy that everything is Good or Better rather than Bad or Good. Just as a flower bud, if given the right nurturance, blossoms into a beautiful flower; so it is with dis-ease, physical and psychological. This method of Energy Healing of Body, Emotions, and Mind, Etc. views all as energy in various stages of growth or maturing. Using super-conscious abilities, patterns in need of maturing, which manifest as disease, are identified. Then energy from the Sun (which is the local source of our existence and life on all levels) is infused into the pattern. The Sun’s maturing energy contains the personal and universal divine plan of optimal health, optimal happiness, and optimal consciousness. Thus your pattern quickly becomes one of benefit and the dis-ease or issue is resolved swiftly, typically in minutes.
In addition, innate within your energy matrix is the pattern of optimal psychological and physical health that your body and mind draw upon when enacting natural healing. In Energy Reality Energy Healing, your innate pattern of optimal health is evoked and dynamically manifested in your body and mind. Healing can then occur immediately and rapidly in the way that is uniquely right for you.
With Energy Reality Energy Healing of Body, that which is preventing the physical body from automatically resuming a state of optimal health, is cleared. Also made available, is the insight you require to be free of psychological issues.
Rapid Energy Healing of Body, Emotions, and Mind, and other Energy Reality Services, are given over the phone, over the computer with video, or in person. Distance has no effect upon the rapid results typically obtained.
Since the body, emotions, and mind are interconnected, whatever combination of services you need, Rapid Energy Healing of Body and/or Rapid Energy Healing of Emotions and Mind, will be given as is beneficial.
Rapid Energy Healing of Body
Most physical and psychological dis-eases or problems can be healed in minutes when approached as energy conditions and divine grace is properly invoked. This can be over the phone, over the computer, or in person.
We are energy beings. Contemporary Physics reveals that matter is energy. As energy beings, we are composed of many dynamic types of energy. The most fundamental cause of physical and mental problems is the inhibited flow of energy. Nearly all problems have at least some, and often all, of their origin on energy levels, directly or indirectly.
Tried everything with no resolution? Perhaps the solution is in a deeper level – the level of energy.
Book a SessionRapid Energy Healing of Emotions and Mind
Happiness, health and well-being of body and mind includes the free expression of the energy of your inner most self in all areas of your life. What obstacles, obvious and hidden, hinder your free expression and happiness? Rapid Energy Healing of Emotions and Mind incorporates a higher-vision perspective in the resolution of your psychological and life challenges, giving you the advice you need. Issues are identified with clarity. A variety of methods are applied to swiftly resolve your issues. Simply by applying specific energies, nearly all types of issues vanish in minutes. Other issues need conscious processing. However, when approached as energy, guided inner processes can rapidly create inner harmony.
Book a SessionEnergy Reality Whole-Life Coaching
– for your Whole-Health, your Whole-Being, your Whole-Life!
It’s time for you to be:
*Healed* *Empowered* *Up-Leveled*
Many of my clients, upon discovering how my approach rapidly fulfills their needs in a particular area, then naturally want all areas of their life improved. We then move into a series of sessions that cover all bases to improve their life in all areas.
Using my unique abilities to view energy and affect change in every system, as well as a wealth of wisdom to share, we can up-level all of the areas of your life that you desire to be better.
Such as: Health of Body, Wellness of Mind and Emotions, Relationships, Business/Prosperity, more Joy in Lifestyle, Soul and Meaningful Life Expression, Personal Mastery, Spiritual Practice, or whatever you like!
We can start with one session to talk about the areas you would like to improve and have help with. Then we will do a series* or set up a regular session time so that we maintain the ideal empowered path of progress to the life of your dreams. Together we can up-level your life to amazing levels.
*Great savings with the package discount applies to this service.
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Rapid Pet and Animal Energy Healing
Pets and animals can receive the same care as humans, and usually respond very well.
Most physical and psychological dis-eases or problems can be healed in minutes when approached as energy conditions and divine grace is properly invoked. This can be over the phone, or over the computer, or in person.
All beings, including pets and animals, are energy beings. Contemporary Physics reveals that matter is energy. As energy beings, we are composed of many dynamic types of energy. The most fundamental cause of physical and mental problems is the inhibited flow of energy. Nearly all problems have at least some, and often all, of their origin on energy levels, directly or indirectly.
Tried everything but still no resolution? Perhaps the solution is in a deeper level – the level of energy.
Book a SessionBusiness Consulting and Energy Optimization
For businesses and projects to be highly successful, the energy reality of them needs to be optimal. Interferences and obstacles need to be cleared, discordant energies need to be harmonized, and the positive components need to be empowered. This service includes comprehensive assessment, consultation, and energy work on the business or project. With this service, you can align yourself and business/project with the mysterious forces and synchronicities that determine success.
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Space, Home, Office Energy Clearing and Optimization
Spaces, like home and office, can accumulate negative or hindering energies that then act as obstacles and interferences to optimal living and working. The previous owners of the space may have left energies in the space that are not compatible or optimal for you. This service clears any space of less than optimal energies and influences, as well as, infuses the space with energies that support and empower you in your life, relationships, or work. Would you like your environment to feel great to you?
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